When should I consider fertility treatment?

  • Guides
07 Feb 2024


Navigating the challenges of infertility often means seeking help at the right time. For couples under 35, it’s recommended to seek advice after a year of trying to conceive, and for women over 35, after six months. Recognising early signs like irregular periods or testicular issues can make a big difference. Clinics like Ferticentro offer quick assessments without waiting lists, so couples can get the support and guidance they need to pursue their dream of becoming parents.

When Couples Should Seek Help:

1. For Young, Healthy Couples:

   – The general recommendation is to seek help after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse without achieving pregnancy.

   – This timeline is based on the understanding that many couples will conceive within this period under normal circumstances.

2. For Women Over 35 Years:

   – It’s advised to seek help after six months of trying without success.

   – Female fertility declines with age, and delaying diagnosis and treatment can affect the chances of success.

3. Known Fertility Issues:

   – If there are known issues such as tubal obstruction, significant semen abnormalities, or if either partner has undergone sterilisation (like tubal ligation or vasectomy), it’s wise to seek help immediately.

4. Joint Consultations:

   – Infertility should be approached as a couple’s issue, and both partners are encouraged to attend the first consultation together.

Signs to Be Aware Of:

In Women:

– Painful or heavy menstrual periods.

– Irregular menstrual cycles.

– Previous ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages.

– History of abdominal surgeries.

– Past sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

– Pain during intercourse.

In Men:

– History of mumps involving the testicles.

– Undescended testes in childhood requiring surgery.

– STI history.

– Sexual dysfunction, including premature ejaculation.

– Exposure to harmful environmental factors like radiation or chemicals.

Initial Analyses:

For Both Partners:

– Blood type with Rh factor.

– Complete Blood Count (CBC) with platelets.

– Prothrombin time (a measure of blood clotting).

– Screening for HIV, Hepatitis C (HCV), Hepatitis B (HBV), and Syphilis (VDRL).

– Additional tests for malaria, CMV, T. cruzi based on exposure or travel history.

– In certain cases, tests for HTLV I and II may be requested due to family history or risk factors.

In Women:

– Pap smear to check for cervical health.

– Blood tests for immunity status against rubella, toxoplasmosis, and CMV.

– Hormone testing on specific cycle days for assessing ovulatory function.

– Hysterosalpingography for evaluating tubal patency.

In Men:

– Semen analysis to evaluate sperm count, motility, and morphology.

By understanding when to seek help and being aware of certain signs and symptoms, couples can take proactive steps in addressing infertility. The initial tests are crucial in identifying any underlying issues that may need to be addressed to increase the chances of conception, whether naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies.

At Ferticentro, we guarantee prompt appointments with no waiting lists, ensuring most diagnostic processes commence on the initial visit or are completed within a fortnight, in harmony with the woman’s menstrual cycle. Once we have made the diagnosis, we offer a wide range of fertility treatments, including in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), and IVF with ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection).